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     Harry Nohr Woodturners Constitution
          Adopted as of October 14, 2008.  Updated June 19, 2014

Article I

The Name of the club is Harry Nohr Woodturners


Article II

The purpose of the Harry Nohr Woodturners club is to bring together people from all backgrounds to enjoy and learn the art/craft of wood turning. Whether the individual is a hobbyist, part-timer or professional turner, all are welcomed. The Harry Nohr Woodturners goal is to meet once a month to share ideas and techniques on woodturning and tools, trade wood and conduct demonstrations on wood turning techniques. Meetings will be held primarily at facilities located on the University of Wisconsin Platteville Campus as the club is affiliated with UWP and membership is comprised of wood turners and students from the University Community and the surrounding area.


Article III



  1. General Member- Any person who has a desire to learn about the art/craft of woodturning. He/she will receive a newsletter (via e-mail), may display the seal, participate in show & tell, enter pieces in challenges, use the club’s library and vote on matters of the club.


  1. Life Membership-Life Membership may be obtained by paying a Life Membership fee. An honorary Life Membership may be conferred upon an individual for services rendered to the club for reasons that may be deemed sufficient by the Board of Directors. He/she will receive a newsletter, may display the seal, participate in show & tell, enter pieces in challenges, use the clubs library and vote on matters of the club.


Dues and Fees

Annual dues are $20 for General Member, $10 for Student and Seniors 65 years of age and older, family dues are $30. Annual dues Life Membership Fee and other service charges shall be set by the Board following discussion with General Membership. Life Members shall not be required to pay annual dues but can be required to pay special program fees. Guest are welcomed to attend our meeting, at no charge, to find out the benefits of membership. We encourage guests to join after their second meeting.


Article IV

Safety Statement

Safety is a concern to every turner. It is the policy of the club to promote safety and educate wood turners about the possible hazards. Members and guest must wear eye protection and, if necessary, dust protection to watch any demonstration. It is the responsibility of each member and guest to police themselves on this important issue. Woodturning has inherent dangers. Harry Nohr Woodturners bears no liability for injuries received during turning demonstrations or as a result of a person’s choice to become a woodturner.



Article V

Election of Officers

  1. Nominations for officers shall be made at the October meeting and published in the next newsletter. Elections will be at the November meeting and take effect at the January meeting. Officers will hold office for one year unless re-elected. There is no limit on terms in office.

  2. Vacancies.  A vacancy in any Office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise may be filled by a majority vote of the members or of the Officers for the un-expired portion of the term.



Article VI

The number of directors shall be fixed by the Bylaws but shall not be less than four (4) directors.


Article VII


No member or board member will sign a contract obligating the club unless approved by the Board of Directors.


Article VIII

Daily Operations

The Board of Directors shall have authority to spend club funds without a general membership vote when the amount is under $150. At no time may the Board of Directors obligate the Club for more funds than exists in the Club treasury.


Article IX

The manner of election, appointment and removal of directors shall be as provided in the Bylaws.


Article X


A total of 2/3 of paid up members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at any general meeting. The Board of Directors must have a majority to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the board.



In special circumstances, such as lining up program talent, an e-mail proxy vote may be authorized by a 2/3 approval from the board of directors. A minimum of 2/3 of paid up members responding to the e-mail will constitute a quorum for the purpose of the vote.


Article XI


The constitution may be amended by a majority vote at any meeting of the club. The Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Board of Directors with a two thirds (2/3) vote. All amendments or revisions to the Constitution/Bylaws must be submitted in writing or e-mail no less than twenty (20) days prior to voting.


Article XII

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year shall be January 1 to December 31.


Article XIII


In the event that the club dissolves all remaining resources, library, cash, etc. will be donated to another woodturning club as directed by the board.


Harry Nohr Woodturners ByLaws

Adopted as of October 14, 2008


Article I

The Name of the club is Harry Nohr Woodturners


Article II

The purpose of the Harry Nohr Woodturners club is to bring together people from all backgrounds to enjoy and learn the art/craft of wood turning. Whether the individual is a hobbyist, part-timer or professional turner, all are welcomed. The Harry Nohr Woodturners goal is to meet once a month to share ideas and techniques on woodturning and tools, trade wood and conduct demonstrations on wood turning techniques. Meetings will be held primarily at facilities located on the University of Wisconsin Platteville Campus as the club is affiliated with UWP and membership is comprised of woodturners and students from the University Community and the surrounding area.



Article III

Qualification, removal and resignation of the Board

  1. Board members must be dues paying members of the club.

 President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer must hold membership in the American Association of Woodturners.

  1. Any officer may resign at anytime by giving notice to the Board of Directors. Any officer may be removed by two thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, whenever the best interest of the club shall be served.


Article IV

Board of Directors  & Duties

  1. President The President shall

•Oversee the Board of Directors and ensure that assigned duties are carried out.

•Conduct general membership meetings in an orderly manner.

•Provide an article for the monthly newsletter in a timely matter.

  1. Vice-President (may be one or two positions) The Vice-President(s) shall act for and     exercise all the powers of the President in the absence of the President or in the event of his/her inability to act. Additional duties are

•Schedule demonstrators for programs at monthly meetings.

•Provide demonstrator information to the newsletter editor in a timely fashion.

c.   Treasurer The Treasurer shall

•Have custody of and be responsible for all funds of the club.

•Collect and deposit moneys received from membership into club’s account(s).

•Shall keep records of club’s finances.

  1. Secretary The Secretary shall

•Keep minutes of Board and General membership meetings and a membership roster.

  1. Librarian The Librarian shall

•Keep a record of each item in the library.

•Make the library available for check out at each meeting.

•Purchase new books, videos and other materials for the library as approved by    the board.

f. Newsletter Editor The Newsletter Editor shall publish an information flyer to be sent to each member or perspective member via e-mail prior to each regularly scheduled meeting. Each newsletter should contain the President’s message, Secretary’s minutes of previous meeting, upcoming meeting dates and times as well as current program information.

d. Web Master The Web master shall maintain the club’s web site. Minimal web content shall consist of membership information, newsletters and current schedule.

e. Past President The Past President will serve as an advisor to the Board of Directors.


Article V

Dues and Fees

Annual dues and other service charges shall be set by the Board. Life members shall not be required to pay annual dues but can be required to pay special program fees. Special fees can be assessed based upon participating members and guests when a large program is scheduled that requires extra funding.


Article VI


The Harry Nohr Woodturners accepts donations of equipment, tools and materials upon approval of the Board only.

Donations of wood and turning materials shall be dealt with and distributed on a case-by-case basis.  When dealing with donations of wood or turning materials for charitable purposes, the Board chooses the most expedient method for equitable distribution.  However, no donation of wood or materials for charitable purposes may constrain the Board or place the Harry Nohr woodturners in legal or financial jeopardy.

Tools and equipment donated to the Harry Nohr Woodutrners and not used for one year mc be auctioned off to club members upon approval of the Board.


Article VII

Open Turning

The Harry Nohr Woodturners is dedicated to teaching and educating about woodturning.

Open Turning is a club sponsored opportunity for new turners to learn about woodturning in a safe, controlled environment under supervision of knowledgeable club members.

Open Turning is, for liability purposes, available to club members ONLY.

Open Turning participants are required to be members of Harry Nohr Woodturners with a signed “UWP Hold Harmless Form” on file with the club Secretary prior to any scheduled Open Turning.


Article VIII

History of Harry Nohr Woodturners

Harry Nohr Woodturners was originally formed on October 14, 2008. The purpose of the Club was to provide a mechanism whereby individuals interested in woodturning could come together to learn from each other and share their expertise with others interested in the art/craft of woodturning. Additionally the Club is to be dedicated to preserving the legacy of Harry Nohr, the Clubs namesake, and other early woodturners. Let the history begin.


Article IX

Nohr Award

The secretary or designee will keep track of members mentioned in the monthly newsletter.  Member will be counted once for the year, even if their name is mentioned more than one time.

Some examples mentioned are

  • Demonstrations

  • Showing of projects host

  • Learn to turn helpers

  • College for kids

  • Participants in fairs or shows

The names will be recorded each month for the months of January through November.

A slip of paper or card will be made for each name each time it appears in the 11-month cycle.  All the names or slips of paper will be placed in a “hat or bowl” and the winner will be awarded a $100 check from the club’s treasury.  Members do not have to be present to win.

The list of winners will be kept on the website and updated each year.


Board Members






Newsletter Editor:

Web Master:

Safety Officer

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